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At Queens’ Federation, we aim to provide a safe, positive and caring environment where every member of the community feels valued.

Our approach to supporting behaviour is in line with Cambridgeshire STEPS that is a therapeutic approach to behaviour. Our aim is:

  • To promote the inseparable link between teaching, learning and behaviour.
  • To improve staff confidence and safety in applying a therapeutic approach within their class dynamic.
  • To support the inclusion of those pupils with difficult or dangerous behaviours.
  • To ensure the positive environment for safe learners.
  • To reduce and eliminate exclusions.

We provide pupils with what they need to succeed and plan for each child to receive appropriate and differentiated resources, experiences, interventions and support our school Federation vision ‘Learning for Life’. It is also in line with our school values, based on the ‘7 Habits of Effective People’ by Stephen Covey which enables us to create a strong community spirit, where we can all grow in a supportive learning environment.  Through the use of all of these values, we can all be the best that we can be.  Our school values are:

In addition, the following points are also important in influencing behaviour:

  • There is an expectation that all children will behave well and that problems are dealt with consistently and fairly.
  • Following the lead of the Executive Headteacher there is a collective staff responsibility for encouraging positive and safe behaviour from all children at all times.
  • The staff are committed to pastoral care of all children and will work in partnership with parents to promote the children’s self-esteem and respect for themselves, their peers and other adults.
  • The rules, values and 7 Habits are intended for the good of all. They promote a happy, safe and secure environment for all members of the school community.
  • The delivery of the curriculum and the teaching and learning methods throughout the school are of a high quality and inspire and motivate the children.
  • The wearing of school uniform is encouraged as a means of promoting a shared identity.

The following key rules underpin our approach to promoting good behaviour in school and beyond:

  • Be ready.
  • Be respectful.
  • Be safe.

A range of positive strategies and rewards, appropriate to the age and ability of the children, are used to promote good behaviour and encourage the development of self-discipline.

Promoting Pro-Social Behaviour

We believe that:

  • Positive experiences create positive feelings.
  • Positive feelings create positive behaviour.

We therefore strive to create an environment that promotes pro-social behaviours; these are behaviours that are helpful, and intended to promote social acceptance and are characterised by a concern for the rights, feelings and welfare of others.

Each member of staff will employ a variety of methods to promote pro-social behaviour, working collaboratively to ensure consistency and allow for the sharing of ideas.

Behaviour which is contrary to the school’s ethos is unacceptable and will be dealt with appropriately either by staff in the child’s class or if persistent, by the Phase Leader, or member of the Senior Leadership Team in line with our Behaviour Policy.

As a school which values relationships, we are working to create a safe, respectful and harmonious community, and seeking to repair those relationships when harm is caused through conflict or inappropriate behaviour. Using the skills of active, non-judgemental listening, mediation and group problem solving, the whole school community can learn to resolve their own conflicts and deal effectively with difficult behaviour. This is called Restorative Approaches.

The school takes any type of bullying (physical, verbal, indirect or electronic) very seriously.  The Management of Bullying Policy clearly states our expectations and the measures that will be taken to address any concerns.

The school has a legal duty to record and investigate all prejudice related incidents and to report them to the local authority on a regular basis (though without names attached).

Parents will be informed if incidents of unacceptable behaviour increase, and they will be invited to discuss the problems with the school. It is important for the children that home and school are seen to be working in partnership and that parents give their support to our behaviour policy.

During lunchtime the supervisors have the support of the teaching staff.  When necessary, children will be reported to the class teacher or a senior member of staff.  Appropriate consequences may be applied and if the behaviour is sufficiently serious or repeated then parents will be informed.

The school is committed to ensuring that all staff and adults responsible for the children’s safety and welfare will deal with all incidents involving aggressive behaviour appropriately.  The school has a legal duty to provide a safe environment and this means that physical intervention may be used as a last resort in line with DfE and Local Authority advice. If used at all it will be in the context of respectful, supportive relationships with pupils.  Our aim is to minimise the risk of injury to pupils and staff.

If a child’s behaviour continues to be a major concern despite the use of internal consequences and parental involvement, or an incident of a very serious nature occurs, the following may happen:

  • Suspension: a specific period of time when the pupil will not be permitted to stay on the school site.
  • Permanent exclusion: the pupil cannot return to the school but remains on the school roll (and therefore the responsibility of the Executive Headteacher and Governing Body) until a new placement can be found.

Please view our Policies Page, where our Behaviour and Ethos policies can be found.

Read about our Restorative Approaches below…