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Year 3 Learning Examples

Year 3 learnt about how light from a source travels in straight lines until it is blocked by an object. We sorted objects and materials into groups according to their properties: transparent, translucent or opaque. We had fun investigating these using a torch with the lights out!

Toucan Class children enjoyed exploring the atlases with a partner to locate England and Greece for their comparison study.

In year 3 we have been practising our printmaking.  With clear instructions and modelling from the class adult, we then: designed our print-block using foam and string, made the print-block and finally created the print in our sketchbook.  Some even went on to create a "repeating pattern" with the designs. Well done!

Year 3 have enjoyed creating different tangram animals based on "Grandfather Tang's Story".  They had to use their problem solving, spatial and visualising skills to be successful and they showed lots of resilience!